Water Gardens Shopping Centre
(Units 7A, 7B & 8) | Harlow.
Client | Aberdeen Standard Life Investments
Location | Harlow
Value | £430,000
Timing | 10 weeks
A complete strip out back to shell with unit subdivision for alternative retail use. New full height partitions were constructed primarily to subdivide the units to provide greater client flexibility for future use.
A weather-tight external hoarding was initially constructed until the new shop front was designed and installed by our specialist subcontractor. A new services trench was excavated and formed and new services run within the trench to new locations.
Existing steel work was clad to comply with fire protection regulations and the floors were ground down to remove all remnants of previous finishes.

Summary of works:
Weather tight external Hoarding constructed
Break out existing slab and form new ramped entrance, for DDA compliance
New full height metal stud and plasterboard partition to segregate unit
Excavate and form new trench within concrete floor slab for services alterations
Fire protection to existing steelwork
On site alterations to existing steelwork
Design, fabrication and installation of new shop front
Alterations to pedestrian walkway paving
Existing floors were ground in preparation for new tenants
Floor space separation with new blockwork partitions Close and constant liaison with Centre Management