Westwood Cross | Broadstairs
Client | Land Securities plc
Location | Broadstairs
Value | £4.7 M
Timing | 42 weeks
Project Overview:
The Westwood Cross retail park is owned by Land Securities plc.
The unit totals circa 85,000 sq ft across 2 No. floors which are currently linked by escalators through a large opening formed by Debenhams to suit their layout.
Sloane Curtis has been appointed to split the former Debenhams unit into 4 No. individual units following tenant interest.
Scope of Works
Major refurbishment of 1 No Goods Lift and installation of 1 No Passenger Lift
Removal of extensive roof top plant
Removal of Escalators, infilling of pits and voids upon completion
Removal and breaking out screeds for new Acoustic Floor
Installation of Mason UK Acoustic floating floor for new leisure operator
Jumbo stud partitions to suit new layout and tenant demises.
New Shopfront/ curtain walling for new tenants
Drainage for New Leisure, Gym and Fashion operator
Installation of new vertical and horizontal barriers
Full scaffold to perimeter elevations
Decoration of all existing K Rend Surfaces
New cladding to external elevations
New Signage
Application of Corksol spray render to prominent external elevations
New sprinkler system and zone check valves for incoming tenants.
New Substation and Electrical supplies to new individual units
New gas and water services to all new individual units
CCTV and Access Control